Thursday, July 10, 2008

Random Updates

So I went to the Dr. on Monday, and am really bummed that I'm going to have to stay on the steroids still longer than I expected. Some of you may not know that I had to go back on them after only a few weeks off. I was really upset, but what do you do? At least it was a smaller dose than I had been on. So I've been tapering yet again for the last several weeks, and I expected to be off again by late July. But it looks as though my Dr. wants to hold me at the low dose for about a month. That was to put me into the middle of August, when I have a followup visit with him. But, when I made my next appointment, they were able to squeeze me in a little early so I can get one more appointment in before our new insurance year starts. And you can bet I am trying to get as much in before our medical expenses start over again!

Tomorrow, Trey is having surgery on his foot / toe. Apparently, the tendon is too long for the rest of the toe (or the bone or something like that), so he is having surgery to have it straightened out. They have to shave off some of the bone, and put a pin in his toe - OUCH! It seems less painful to leave it the way it is. But after years of discomfort and annoyance from it, he is getting it fixed. And just in the nick of time!

We just got home from seeing High School Musical. It was awesome - Madelyn really enjoyed it!! She was so glued to the stage and every time I looked over at her - she was beaming! She was bebopping and dancing along in her seat. It was really great. Thanks Leenie for the fabulous tickets!

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