Monday, July 21, 2008

Life is all about...

Life is all about... FRIENDS

Tonight, Trey and I had dinner with Mark and Michael. They were in town packing up their house (which they are very happy sold!), and getting the last of their Dallas lives moved to Portland.

Seeing Mark was bitter sweet. It made me realize just how much I miss being able to see him all the time. It's amazing where friends develop from, and I am so grateful that he is one of my greatest friends. It's such a wonderful feeling to have someone that you know will be there if you need them - whether a shoulder to cry on or for a laugh on the other end. And we sure do laugh! Both Mark and Michael looked great - happy, healthy, and adorable! There is something about Mark just being in town that gives me an energy. Anyway - we (Trey and I) both really enjoyed catching up and I especially loved being able to give a big hug to my friends!

Life is all about... BEING HEALTHY

Today I started weight watchers! (And then went out to a big dinner with friend - oy vey - not a good way to start!) But knowing I was going to dinner, I planned the rest of the day to have balanced, but low point options to "save" as many points as I could for tonight. I still went over, of course. But I tried to watch my portions, and at the end of day, I didn't do as bad as I could have! It's not easy - let me tell you, but the thing I like about weight watchers is that gives me options to try to stay within the plan, while still enjoying things like going out with friends. I still believe that I refuse to completely alter my life - I want to be able to go out to eat, have dessert if I want, or a not the best for you meal. But it means that I have to work around it. No more bad stuff for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!!! So, it's only been 1 day so far, but life is all about being healthy - so here I am trying! Wish me luck - I need all the help I can get.

Life is all about... NEW OPPORTUNITIES

Tomorrow Trey has a job interview - woohoo!! It's for a position still within Neiman Marcus, but at NM Direct (catalog and online). The position is a Manager over receiving and vendor compliance for 2 locations - NM Direct and Pinnacle Point (one of the distribution centers). The downside: it means we no longer commute together and therefore - no more HOV lane (bummer for me since I'll be the one going downtown still - and double bummer for me - no more naps on the way to or home from work!). The upside: It sounds like a great position for him - new challenges, new opportunities, new people. From what we know so far, it seems to be a great fit. And of course a promotion and more $$ is always a plus! So fingers crossed and well wishes for Trey!


Kim said...

I will certainly be praying for Trey tomorrow! Let us know how things go!

Unknown said...

Always holding good thoughts but especially today.