Friday, July 18, 2008

Cheerleader = Cheer + Leader

Tonight, April and I joined Lene, Dani, Michael, Margie, and Gina at SMU to see Jackie cheer. GO PIERCE GO!!! It was really cute. Jackie is at cheer camp, and today was their first full day. There were tons of schools there, and each one in their group (about 8 schools) had to get up in front of everyone and do 2 cheers they learned today. Some of them were really bad and very funny. But that being said, I know they were a hundred times better than I could have done and I completely admire these girls for getting up there in front of all these people to be critiqued by a panel of judges. Of course, Jackie's squad was the best. And although I am biased, I can honestly say it too. There were a few other schools that were really good, but I definitely thought they were the best. April was hilarious - she was a cheerleader in high school, and she totally gets into it! I asked Lene if she thought Jackie might just do this for a year and move on - sounds like no such luck. I'm trying, but I just can't get into the cheer thing. But I do love seeing my Jackie up there, and if she likes it, then more power to her and I'll love going to watch her! Just don't expect me to get all dolled up in Mustang wear and put ribbons in my hair! You laugh, but let me tell you... some of these moms are clearly reliving their youth through their daughters. Let's just say - a piece or work! It makes for some good people watching at least! I'll post some pictures once Lene sends them.

And did you know that a list of famous cheerleaders includes: Madonna, Paula Abdul, Robin Williams, Tom Hanks, Ronald Regan, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, George W. Bush, Meryl Streep, Steve Martin, Eddie Van Halen, Halle Berry, Cameron Diaz, Fergie, and Tina Turner - just to name a few.


Kim said...

Ok, I'm totally cracking up over the list of famous people who were cheerleaders! TOO FUNNY!!


Unknown said...

Way funny and how do you know this stuff. I love seeing my college dollars at work.

Unknown said...

A really great pic of our gal.