Sunday, August 17, 2008

What a guy

I have to give major kudos to my husband - he gets a star award tonight. April had dinner with a friend, so it was just the two of us for dinner. A great opportunity for me to try out one of my Weight Watchers shrimp recipes (April doesn't eat shrimp and Trey and I love it). The recipe is for "Baked Shrimp in Lemony Garlic Sauce". Sounds yummy, right?

Here is the breakdown:
1 1/4 lb shrimp
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 Tbsp light butter, melted
3 medium garlic cloves, minced
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
3/4 tsp lemon pepper
1/4 tsp red pepper
2 Tbsp parsley

Let me preface by saying that my paper I printed on is 3-hole punched, and for some reason this recipe is the only one that I printed that the ingredients are really close to the margin. There is a hole over the "3/4" for the lemon pepper and the "1/4" for the red pepper. Also, I didn't have red pepper, so cayenne pepper should work just as well, right?

The recipe is really easy (let me know if you want it - only 4 points). Basically, mix ingredients, pour over shrimp, bake for 10 minutes.

Well, I had almost 2 lbs of shrimp so I thought I'd close to double the recipe and have a little extra juice so I could serve over a little angel hair pasta. Makes sense, right?

So since I couldn't fully see the measurement of lemon pepper and red pepper, I guessed my best at what it looked like it was. I thought 3/4 tsp lemon pepper (check!), and 1/2 tsp red pepper (wrong!). And since, I was doubling, 1 tsp of cayenne pepper it is. Oh, I should also say that when I poured the Worcestershire sauce, it spilled over a little too, but a little extra won't really hurt anything, right?

Now the shrimp is baking great, the pasta boiling, dinner is almost ready with very little prep time. Trey takes a bite. The look on his face is priceless (did I tell you he doesn't really eat spicy food). I see the look on his face and say "it's not good, is it". He responds with an exuberant NO, and explains that there is something that just has a strong taste. So I taste it. Yep - it's the cayenne pepper. So, we get all settled at the table, and are enjoying dinner. (It's still good - just strong.) As I'm eating more, and reaching more for my drink (now mind you, I really like spicy food), I realize that it is REALLY spicy. Trey not only eats his and enjoys it (or pretends to), he gets up to get MORE!! I keep telling him I can make something else, he doesn't have to eat it, I know it's got to be way to hot for him, etc., and he says he really likes the flavor - it's just a little hot.

As he's helping me clean the kitchen, he thanks me for making dinner, says he LOVES my cooking 99 out of 100 times and so appreciates what I do for him.

What a husband!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yup Trey Baby is sure a winner. He really is good and you should remember that the next time he pisses you off.....LOL

He really is very very good and so are you!!!!