Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Trick or Treat

Halloween has once again come and gone. But this year was really exciting because Madelyn was in Dallas for trick or treating. So, we got her a little early on Friday in an effort to get home at a decent time, scarf down sandwiches for dinner, and get into costume.
She was the most beautiful SPIDERWITCH I've ever seen. We got her costume a while ago. And last week, I called her to determine what kind of make-up and accessories I needed to get. So I asked her, do you want to be a "pretty" spiderwitch, or a "scary" spiderwitch, and she said - "what do you think I should be"? So we discussed her options and what we could do for each, and she decided... "I want to be a pretty spiderwitch because that would be more delightful"!!! I'm telling you - she just cracks me up.
So I bought some bold blue eye shadow, and we curled her hair. Jennifer sent some fabulous long spider web designed fingernails, so we glued fake nails on her. Yes - I said that right... glued. They came with nail glue (no more of those little sticky tabs that never worked when I was a kid). Well, Madelyn ROCKED her costume. She looked really great!

So, we set out for trick or treating. It wasn't an easy task. First, April's camera batteries kept dying, so back in the house we went for more (you know we have to get some good pictures!). Then, we got a few houses down, and Trey said - oops, I should have brought my flashlight, so back to the house we went. But finally, we set down our street ready to get some candy. As we walked, we became increasingly disappointed. For every house that was "open", there was 4 - 5 houses that didn't have their lights on. There weren't very many people out. I guess our neighborhood just doesn't have a ton of kids. All in all, we spent about an hour or so trick or treating (and walked about 1 1/2 miles - makes up a little for the candy!). But the good thing is that Madelyn could have cared less... she got tons of candy and really had a great time! And there were a few houses that people really got into it so that was fun.

While we were out, we left a bowl of candy on the porch for trick or treaters - fully expecting that the first group to come by would clean us out. When we got home, the bowl was still practically full!! We were shocked.
So now that we were home, it was time to wash off all that makeup and get ready for bed - we were all exhausted. Silly me, I thought surely Madelyn's nails would be low impact glue since they are for kids. Well, it wasn't. We couldn't get her nails off!!! And let me tell you - she was completely helpless with them. Things like getting undressed, brushing her teeth, going potty - all needed help!!! It was really funny. So the next day, we got acetone nail polish remover, and Madelyn went to "Daddy's Nail Salon", where she soaked her fingers and Trey nudged each nail off. HILARIOUS!! (Then, of course, we had to go to the "real" nail salon to get mani's and pedi's.) But before Saturday when Trey got her nails off, April managed to capture this moment...

Here's a few others... Check out the great pumpkin that Trey carved for Madelyn.

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