Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My mom ROCKS.  She is the most patient, determined, amazing woman I know.  She manages to find grace and strength in even the most trying of situations.  I have the utmost respect for her - as a mother, and as a person.  She finds energy and ambition when I don't think I could.  I so admire her courage.  She is a constant reminder  to me that nothing is impossible, and to never settle for less than all that you deserve.

And right now, she is feeling frustrated and overwhelmed with obstacles to trying to feel better and being healthy.  But I know she can do it - whatever "it" may be.  Because I know she has more strength and resolve than she is giving herself credit for, and I know this too shall pass.  And in the meantime, ILYMTYLMxI.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You give me way more credit that I deserve. I don't know what I do if I did have you.